personalized dog paintings

Contact Judith Jarcho

To discuss a specific painting or commission, please contact the artist at 888-518-2424 or complete this convenient online contact form.

To commission a painting...

Custom commissions are a tradition in the art world. Judith Jarcho has accepted commissions for canine portraits, street scenes and still life from patrons throughout the United States and around the world. Fees vary with subject matter and canvas size, starting at $2,000. Please contact Judith to discuss your ideas.

Commission your pet's portrait now, for the most memorable gift ever!

Celebrate this holiday -- and forever after -- with an extraordinary gift from the sensitive brush of Judith Jarcho. A charming oil portrait of your beloved pet will bring delight to a room and a smile to your heart, as you honor a special relationship with a beloved companion.

Working from photographs, Judith captures a moment or a memory. But remember, a fine painting takes time and the holiday season comes quickly.

Order today and receive a free gift! As a "thank you" for helping Judith avoiding the holiday rush, she will provide 100 personalized note cards featuring your pet. To qualify, you must place your order for a canine or feline portrait by September 30.

To order from the artist's collection...

You are invited to purchase the original works of art depicted on this website directly from the artist. Prices are marked throughout the site. Additional amounts for sales tax and shipping and handling may be added, as required.

For more information about custom pet portraits and personalized paintings of your dog or cat, please complete this convenient online contact form.



© 2004 by Judith Jarcho